Dreams can come true….

Dreams Can Come True – my new Yoga studio
Posted by Barbara Ives on Saturday, November 19, 2016 Under: Dreams can come true…. Yoga Studio Retreat In the words of Gabrielle, “Dreams can come true….” finally after I can’t tell you how many years I have finally achieved a dream come true. I will be opening my very own Yoga Studio Retreat in January 2017. I have been reflecting, (yes I spend a great deal of time reflecting 🙂 ). Sometimes we can feel as though our ‘dreams’ are a zillion miles away and may never come to fruition. I truly believe we have to manifest our dreams, if you want something enough you will and can make it happen. Yes really!! 🙂
I have a very open mind and always willing to try new things. I have heard and read about the ‘Law of Attraction’ and I was somewhat sceptical but I read a number of books and chatted to a friend who is very into Abraham Hicks (Law of Attraction) so I did a lot of research on the subject.
I did all of the ‘exercises and visualisations’ that the Law of Attraction advise. I don’t know if it is down to the Law of Attraction or a genuine belief in the power of the Universe, faith etc…. but having had my property on the market for almost 2 years I had a number of buyers but kept losing them because I could not find the ‘perfect’ property that befitted my ‘dream’. I shed many tears of frustration and disappointment as I lost properties which I thought were my ideal ‘dream’, I kept asking the Universe Why? I had to remind myself to trust and believe in the Universe. I let my Intuition guide me – it was not the ‘ideal’ home, the right property would come along. And low and behold just when I was about to lose yet another buyer and I had almost given up on finding a property with a studio, quite by change a property popped up and I can’t tell you how happy this has made me.
For those of you that are familiar with ‘the law of attraction’ You can try to change your thoughts, set intentions, or repeat affirmations all day, but if you don’t truly ‘feel’ what you want to experience your manifestations are unlikely to come to fruition. The law of attraction is quite simple. ‘ Like attracts like’. The way you ‘feel’ is what does the attracting. I tend to equate the Law of Attraction with ‘energy’, if we send out negative energy we will receive negative energy whereas if we are sending out the right energy or ‘Vibes’ we will attract those or the very thing our energy matches. I sounds simple but there is a little more to it than that.
If you would like to know more about The Law of Attraction there is loads of info on the internet or check out the videos on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTb6mKAwftA
In the meantime – I am so looking forward to opening my new studio which I have decided to name ‘The Yoga Bhuti Yoga Retreat’ in January 2017. I will be offering many more classes, various courses, private appointments, various workshops for clients, students and yoga teachers and I will be hosting guest teacher workshops too. I will be offering an accredited ‘Yoga the Fundamentals’ course for those that want to take their practice and learning of yoga a little deeper. I will also be offering, an accredited Coaching, Mentoring and Supervision course for student/trainee yoga teachers and qualified yoga teachers. I will be offering day and weekend yoga retreats and healthy eating courses and demonstrations. In 2018 I will be offering an accredited Yoga Teacher Training course.
The Bhuti Yoga Retreat Mission
“The Bhuti Yoga Retreat is situated in a quiet and tranquil Norfolk village, with easy access from A140, A11 and B1135. The studio is designed to create a sense of wellbeing (Bhuti) and to feel as though you have stepped away from your busy lives to a little sanctuary of peace and can leave your thoughts at the door. Set in two acres of land the retreat offers clients and students a little peace and tranquility from their busy lives. Bhuti is Sanskrit for ‘Wellbeing’, the centre focuses on providing a holistic service to clients and students. We off yoga, meditation, mindfulness, classes, private appointments, workshops, day and weekend retreats. We offer various styles of yoga, something for every body from beginner to advanced practitioner. We work with clients with varying degrees of illness and in doing so offer a compassionate and empathetic approach. We offer individual programmes to suit our clients needs. We offer Coaching and Mentoring to help our clients improve their own health and wellbeing and achieve their goals. We offer healthy eating workshops and talks on nutrition. Our teachers are all very experienced, qualified and very knowledgeable in their field of expertise. We provide a confidential, supportive and nurturing environment. We treat all of our clients with kindness, compassion and respect. We offer a Coaching and Mentoring programme for student yoga teachers and qualified yoga teachers.”
I will be talking more about my thoughts on ‘energy’ in my next post and keep you updated on the new studio.
Thank you for reading and keep dreaming…… and believing…. Namaste
Love and Light